Why choose Webfrog?
Why Choose Webfrog?
“Because we love what we do.” Without flair and a keen eye, websites are boring. For that reason, we never wanted to just build websites; we wanted to push the creative boundaries, transforming everyday webpages into engaging, online experiences. It’s this passion that’s been driving our business for the past decade.
Unique Designs
At Webfrog all of our website designs are unique and are all designed in house, Webfrog does not use templates or outsource work to 3rd parties.
Cutting edge web technologies
At Webfrog our developers use the latest web technologies such as CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, PHP and more.
Masters of responsive design
Modern technologies are giving more and more people the ability to browse the web on their mobile phones and tablets, in fact the Change is already here – Every year, the amount of time people spend on their tablets and mobile devices increases, while the amount of time they spend on their desktops and laptops decreases. In fact, this year mobile usage is expected account for more than 50% of all website browsing.
The team at Webfrog are masters of responsive design and all sites we build are responsive. Want an example of a responsive design? Look no further our website is responsive, why not try it on different devices and see how it changes to suit.
An established company
Stability is important to any business, not just in your own business but also in the businesses with which you associate. Webfrog was established in 2005 and has been around now going on over 10 years. You can be confident in knowing that we are here to stay.
All your services in one place
At Webfrog not only do we Design and Develop Websites but we also manage domain names, hosting, email, SEO and other Graphic design elements such as branding and print media.